Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome 2011!!!

Happy New Year!!! I hope you all had a great time either out and about or at home sitting on your couch :)  This past year has been truly one of the best years of my life!!!  I am so grateful for the things I have accomplished and the new people who I have met!  Here is a photo recap of my 2010 starting from last Christmas to now!  Hope you enjoy!!!
Christmas 2009 in Irmo, SC with my family :)

Happy New Year 2010!!!

Norfolk, VA
Hawaiian Booster Party for the Norfolk Admirals

Me and my BEST FRIEND Felicia!!! Getting ready for Gamecock baseball!!

Family Cruise 2010 to the Bahamas!!!

Nassau, Bahamas at the Atlantis Resort :)

San Francisco Vacation

Me and Zach at Fisherman's warf in San Fran :)


Alcatrez Tour
Where we lived this summer in California
Camping with friends in San Simeon
Hiking around Montaña de Oro, California
Exploring Yosemite in California

The Valley of Giants
At the brand new Twins Stadium in Minnesota

Moving to Hannover, Germany
Our fist pro Soccer Match!
Oktoberfest in Hannover
Vacationing on the Turkish Riviera
Hanging out with the locals in Turkey :)
Exploring Germany via Train
Visiting The Berlin Wall
Walking around the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin
Amsterdam for Christmas 2010!!
After putting this post together, I realized how much I have done this past year!  I am a lucky girl, and so thankful for everyone in my life!
I hope you all have a great 2011!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Survival Guide to Life Overseas!

Hey Everyone! Today I decided that I would share a few of the things that have made my time overseas more enjoyable :)  When living in a different country, you are sometimes not afforded the luxury of speaking or understanding the language.  This was a challenge for me at the beginning of my time here in Germany, but my advice to those of you who are just coming over for a few months such as myself is to just learn what you NEED to know.  Google translate is a very helpful site for when needing to look up unfamiliar words.  What I consider need to know words to be are words that you use on a daily  greetings, food, directions.  Most of the time you can get by using English, but you should be prepared if you are put in a situation where you need to know certain words...It is not always easy to get across what you are trying to say...emotions and expressions play a huge part of communication.
Grocery shopping over here is quite a challenge if you can not read the ingredients in certain items...for example, I bought a can of tuna and instead of the tuna being in water, it was in oil...ewww!  If I new what I was looking for on the label then I wouldn't of had this problem!  Meat over here is not the same as what you get back home...for a good steak, you need to go to either a high end grocery store or a butcher shop.  They don't really eat that much steak over here, so you need to be very selective and know what you are looking for.  Most of the meat here is pork, chicken, or fish.  You really can't go wrong with pork...some of my favorites are pork steaks, schnitzel, and  bratwursts.  The food over here is like the food back home, but like I said, you have to pay close attention to the ingredients.  It may take you a couple of trips to the store before you figure it out.  I wrote a list of words while shopping to translate when I got home...this helped me a whole lot!  Once you learn your main foods, you will be able to order in a restaurant easier too!  Some places may have English menus you just have to ask.  Also, don't be afraid to try and speak German when you go out!  They pretty much can tell that you are not German just from looking at you, but in my experience if you make an effort to communicate with them, then they seem to want to help you :)  There are those people out there who don't, but you find those types of people everywhere. 
Anyways, learn your foods, it makes life easier!
Transportation (train, taxi, bus, etc...):  You are gonna want to learn how all of these work.  Learning how to use the train system has been a huge help.  Right now, the weather here is pretty cold and snowy...driving isn't always a great idea, so I usually take the train.  Taking the train not only saves you money on gas, it gets you where you need to be quickly and efficiently.  The public transportation systems here in Europe are fabulous! Overall, the trains are clean and comfortable.  Train travel is ideal when wanting to go for a long distance trip.  International travel is easy too...I just returned from a trip to Amsterdam and all you need is your passport.  Entering the Netherlands I wasn't asked for it, but when we returned to Germany, the border police boarded the train and asked for it.  While getting around locally, you should check with the transportation provider on any information regarding monthly passes.  This helps cut down on the cost. I definitively opt for public transportation over driving.
Once you get your food and transportation down, you will notice more confidence in your attitude.  I know I did! 

Here is a list of items I SUGGEST for those of you who will be over here for an extended period of time.
1.  INTERNET!!!!!  Most of these following items run off of the internet.
2.  Smart Phone (Blackberry or iPhone)
3.  WhatsApp ( this is an application for the Blackberry or iPhone that allows you to send and receive FREE text messages from other smart phones...the reason why this is so important is because IT WORKS INTERNATIONALLY FOR FREE!!!!!!!!)
WhatsApp only works on iphone or blackberry
3. ( This website is awesome! On you can watch TV shows and Movies for FREE!!!  Check it out here!)
4.  Slingbox ( If you purchase a slingbox you can set it up on your tv back home and it will transmit to your computer overseas!  I love it!!! It works through the internet.  You can check it out here!)
5.  Pay as you go Phone ( I use a pay as you go phone from Vodaphone.  The way it works is you purchase the phone, and then put money on it as you need it.  It is FREE to receive calls and texts.  My phone cost 10 euros, you can put as much or as little money on it as you want.  You can check it out here!)
6.  Facebook ( Using your facebook account is easy way to keep in touch with your friends and family, yes FB chat works internationally!)
7.  Shopping Bags ( Here in Germany, you have to bring your own bags when going grocery shopping.  You can purchase bags at the stores, but having one or two really good canvas or plastic bags on you at all times is a must!)
8.  Clothing  ( The fall and winter months here in Germany are really cold!  Well, to me :) I suggest you pack warm, and have a good pair of winter boots.  Rain boots are good to have as well. Also, pack a good winter coat. Wear layers and you should be good!)
9.  Appliances (  I suggest you buy new appliances such as a hair dryer, straightener, electric razor, etc... over here.  The voltage is a lot more powerful and will damage or destroy your American appliances.  They do sell converters, but I just find it easier to buy European appliances...especially if you plan on coming back in the future.  The store to buy your appliances is the Saturn store, they sell everything relating to appliances and electronics.  You can also find outlet and power converters there.)
10.  Personal items (1.  Deodorant!  I have yet to find stick deodorant here, they mostly have roll on and spray, if you do not like this, then stock up before you get here! 2. Medicine:  The drug laws over here are very strict.  They do not sell Tylenol, Advil, Excedrine, Benadryl, NyQuil, DayQuil, Tums, Pepto Bismol, and the list goes on!  For many medications, you need a doctors prescription.)

These are the main things that I suggest, and believe me I wish I knew about the medication before I got here...
I really hope that this will help those of you who are planning on moving or visiting overseas!  If you know of more things that would be helpful, then feel free to comment :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Chirstmas from Amsterdam!

Hey Everyone! I hope you all had a great Christmas!

This year Zach and I went to Amstedam :) It was AMAZING!!!! We got a day and a half off for Christmas this year, and I think we made the most of our time.  We left on the 24th early in the morning, and unfortunately there was a winter storm going through Germany.  There was soooo much snow, probably the most snow I have ever seen in my life!  Even though we were delayed like three hours...I say half the fun is getting there :) We met a few people who were going the same direction that we were, and they helped us out so much!  Every time a German announcement about a delay or cancellation came on, they let us know what was being said, and what we should do.  I think we changed trains like three times before we ended up in Amsterdam!  All of the other trains were breaking down and the last train we got on to get into the Netherlands looked like it could go through a brick wall!  This train meant business :)  We finally arrived into Amsterdam, checked into our hotel, and went  out exploring the town. 
Getting around the city was so easy!  There is this 24 hour public transportation pass you can purchase for 7 euros.  If you are in Amsterdam for a day or two, then I highly suggest you buy this pass, our passes paid  for themselves!  The pass gives you access to the tram, metro, and bus lines that go throughout the city.  I also suggest a map of the city, because most of them have the routes of the public transportation system.  All you do is scan your pass when you get on and off...pretty simple.  Since we didn't have an agenda to follow, we just hopped on and off of different buses all day.  We did a little sight seeing and shopping :) Since it was the 24th some things were closed early, but there were still plenty of things to do and see.
Overall, Amsterdam is the most interesting place that I have ever visited! The culture is very diverse, and everyone speaks English! Yay!!! There is just such a laid back lifestyle there, and I understand why people move there! The liberal laws seem to keep crime down, and fun up!  I totally recommend that everyone should visit Amsterdam!!!
Here are a few pictures of the city!!!

Overlooking one of the many canals

The famous I amsterdam letters

Me climbing into the e

Dam Square

Winterland Amsterdam!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you all have exciting plans for the New Year!!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Berlin Wonderland!

Hello All!  Yesterday Zach and I went to Berlin! It was awesome.  We started our trip around 10am, and got to the heart of the city around 1.  The drive wasn't too bad, but we have had some snow the past few days, so it was just a little slushy on the Autobahn.  When we arrived to Berlin, we went straight to the East Side Gallery.  The canvas for the murals at the East Side Gallery is the actual Berlin Wall! So, that's a check by "Visit the Berlin Wall" on my "bucket list" :)
We parked and got out of the was freezing cold and windy, btw.  There were so many interesting murals, and a wide range of different styles.  Below I have included some of the pictures I took while we were there.

 After we visited the wall, we went to Alexanderplatz and checked out some of the Christmas Markets in the area.

 After wandering around Alexanderplatz we took a cab to the Brandenburg Gate.  We went at night, and the gate was light up beautifully.  There was also a huge Christmas tree at the gate.  Around that area were all of the International Embassies.  I have to say when I saw the American Flag on the American Embassy it made me proud to be from America :)

So far Berlin is my favorite city in Germany.  It is full of culture and the city itself is so neat to see.  Thanks for reading, and I hope you all enjoyed!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Turkey Day!!!

Hello everyone and Happy Thanksgiving!!!  I woke up today and there was snow on the ground! Since I am from South is just unheard of having snow on Thanksgiving (or even Christmas for that matter).  It is starting to get below freezing here, and colder and colder everyday.
To my family and friends:  I really miss you guys today, and I am just so thankful to have all of you in my life.  I definitely take having y'all in my life for granted. 
 On a happier is Turkey Day!!! To my family and I am sure many others, this means that the holiday season has officially begun.  Christmas trees will be popping up in windows, and lights will be hung.  Harbison Blvd will be even more of a headache, and Columbiana Mall...well, let me just say, be careful (hopefully you make it out of the parking lot)...there are some ruthless shoppers out there that will take you out over even the smallest of sales. ( I know this from experience!)

They don't celebrate Thanksgiving over here in Germany, but they definitely know what they are doing when it comes to Christmas.  Already I have seen many interesting decorations and markets.  I will get some pictures uploaded as soon as I remember to take my camera downtown.  It really is unbelievable how they have transformed the city. 

May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!

Happy Turkey Day!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lovely Celle

Yesterday Zach and I went on a drive to a town named Celle.  It is only about 40 minutes from Hannover, so we went and checked it out.  We were pleasantly surprised by this quaint town.  The downtown area was totally pedestrian friendly, and not too many cars were around.  Most of the streets are for pedestrians only and were made out of cobble stone.  This reminded me of some parts of the French Quarter downtown Charleston, South Carolina.  The town was also being decorated in holiday lights.  I have heard that Germany is a beautiful place to be for Christmas, and so far I have seen some proof :)   Celle to me looks like a little Christmas village.
Downtown Celle with Christmas Lights

Zach and I in Celle
We peeked into an antiques store and found some neat things, including books, beer steins, and tons of spoons.  There was also some hand painted china and tea sets.  Being an artist, I enjoy such crafts as those we found.  For the rest of our time in Celle, we just window shopped and took a lovely walk around the Celle Castle, also known as the Schloss Castle.  This castle was built as a water castle, that guarded a ford over the River Aller.  The Aller river is the main river that runs through Celle.  The castle today is now a park for the public.  The moat that surrounds the castle is still in tact and is home to a number of different types of wildlife.  The most common moat creatures we saw were the mallard and goose.  Overall, our little trip to Celle was short and sweet. 
Moat Critters :)

Bibbed Mallard...I haven't seen many of these

Celle Castle with Snow :)
If you get a chance, you should definitely check out Celle!